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Purchase Management

Adding Purchase

  1. Go to – Purchases -> Add Purchase
  2. Type Supplier Name or Business name in Supplier field. If the supplier doesn’t exist you must add them from Contacts -> Suppliers -> Add
  3. Enter Purchase reference number, Purchase date & Order Status.
  4. Select Business Location: Select a location where you want to add the purchase. You can add new Location from Settings -> Business Locations.
  5. Type product name or scan the product barcode number. It will show related matched products, select a product to add it to purchase list.
  6. On adding a new product you can enter purchase quantity, purchase price, and tax information.
  7. To add discount: Select the discount type (fixed or percentage) and enter the amount. The price will auto-calculate the amount after discount.
  8. Enter purchase tax, Shipping Details, Additional Shipping charges, Payment status, & Additional notes.

You can view the list of purchases from Purchases -> List Purchases.

You can Print Labels for your purchase by Clicking “Print Labels” in the List Purchases screen.

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