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Invoice Settings

Invoice Scheme: 

Before creating a new location or storefront, you can define a new Invoice scheme or you can use existing invoice schemes. Having different invoice schemes for locations can help you to identify them. Invoice Scheme is invoice number format.

You can configure the format for your invoice number.

To configure go to Settings -> Invoice settings

  • Click on Add and select a scheme format.
    Format can be XXXX or <year>-XXXX
  • You can also provide a custom prefix, invoice start number, number of digits in the invoice number.
  • The preview box will display the preview according to the chosen option.
  • You will need to set a default invoice scheme for a business to use it.

Invoice Layout: 

If you wish to have a different invoice layout for the location then you should create an invoice layout before creating a new location.

Invoice Layout helps you to create different invoice formats.

To add a new invoice layout:

  1. Go to Settings->Invoice Settings->Invoice Layout->Add
  2. Give a unique distinguishable Layout name
  3. Add the text to be shown in the top/header of invoice. Generally, it can be your shop name, aligned center with Heading 1 format.
  4. Add other relevant details.
  5. You can show/hide address fields.
  6. You can mark a layout as default. The default layout is used when no layout is found for a location.
  7. Click on Save.

To use an invoice layout in a location go to” Business Locations -> Edit” and assign the invoice layout.

Invoice Design:

  • In invoice layout, you will find options for invoice designs.
  • Used for browser based printing only & NOT print server based printing.
  • Slim design is used for thermal line printer based printer.

You can always change invoice scheme & Invoice Layout for a Business location anytime.

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